Wool & Oriental Rug Cleaning and Repair: 10 Must-Have Spot Cleaning Tips

Here are 10 spot-cleaning tips, plus what you need to know about wool & Oriental rug cleaning and repair.
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#%&@ Happens…spots, spills, and splatters.

Coffee, chocolate, red wine (it’s never white wine), and, of course, vomit (the cat doesn’t throw up on the hardwood floor, it’s always the rug).

Regardless of what spots your most beloved rug, you want to remove the stain safely, without causing further damage.

Chances are if you’re reading this rug cleaning and repair blog, it’s for one of two reasons:

  1. You’re preparing for the next time an unforeseen accident occurs. YAY FOR YOU!
  2. You are in a full-blown panic for a solution to clean the rug and, at the same time, not damage it further. IT’S OKAY! You’ve got Knoll on your side.

Panicked or not, we have included the top 10 spots and stains that occur on wool and area rugs with our handy spot cleaning solutions below.

The Preliminaries

Before we get to the “how” of spot cleaning your rug, let’s cover a couple of important points.

First, avoid over-the-counter cleaners, such as OxyClean, as they sometimes contain bleaching agents that will bleach the rug.

In some cases, the bleached stain may not appear until after the carpet has been professionally cleaned years down the road. Some over-the-counter products are even known to have set the stain permanently.  Lesson learned: use the ingredients below.

Second, always-always-always test an inconspicuous area prior to cleaning. Also, a good reminder when cleaning the spot with a towel is to dab or blot – never agitate the fibers as it will cause the ends to fuzz. (not a good look!)

The Ingredients

The following 4 solutions will be required, along with some white absorbent cloth or tissue.

Detergent Solution 

Hammond Knoll Spot Be Gone or substitute one teaspoon of liquid dishwashing detergent to 1/2 pint of warm water.

Detergent/Vinegar Solution

Add one teaspoon of White Vinegar to the Detergent solution.

Ammonia Solution

One tablespoon of household ammonia to one cup of warm water. (Refrain from a stronger ammonia solution on wool carpet.)

Dry Cleaning Solvent

(Such as OMS)

Test the solution on a small, inconspicuous area, then tackle the stain by working from the outer edge towards the center. Take caution not to saturate the area as it can delaminate the back of the rug.

The Nitty-Gritty

Let’s dive into tackling some of the most common stains that assault your rugs.


Blot up the surplus spillage. Use the detergent/vinegar solution. Start from the edge of the spot, only using a bit of the solution at a time. Blot frequently with dry cloths.


Scrape up the excess with a blunt knife. (Resist the urge to lick it up.) Use the detergent solution, and, starting at the outer edge, blot dry.

Follow with an ammonia solution. Blot dry.


Blot up the surplus spillage. (Resist the urge to suck it right out of the rug.)

Use the detergent solution and follow it up with vinegar. Start from the edge of the spot, only using a bit of the solution at a time. Blot frequently with dry cloths.


Scrape up with a blunt knife. Use the dry cleaning solvent followed by the detergent/vinegar solution. Blot dry.

Nail Polish

Scrape up with a blunt knife. Use the dry cleaning solvent followed by the detergent/vinegar solution. Blot dry.

Soft Drinks

Blot up the surplus spillage. Use a detergent solution, starting at the outer edge and blotting dry. Follow with an ammonia solution. Blot dry


Blot up the surplus spillage. Use the detergent/vinegar solution. Start from the edge of the spot, only using a bit of the solution at a time. Blot frequently with dry cloths.


Scrape up with a blunt knife. Use the dry cleaning solvent followed by the detergent/vinegar solution. Blot dry.


Scrape up with a blunt knife. Use the dry cleaning solvent followed by the detergent/vinegar solution. Blot dry.


Scrape up with a blunt knife. Use the dry cleaning solvent followed by the detergent/vinegar solution. Blot dry.

The Wrap-Up on Rug Cleaning and Repair

Oh, there are about a billion other things that can be spilled on your area rug, so when all else fails start with water.

If that doesn’t work, call your amazing local rug cleaning professional (hint, hint; HammondKnoll).

Have a question, comment, or tip?  Send it our way, we would love to hear from you.

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